Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Caring about myself seems like a good place to start.

This TTCAL journey sure is frustrating! But I figure I should not exactly put it on the back burner, but maybe sort of push it just to the side for a bit. I need to really focus on myself. Making myself physically ready to bring baby into the world. Number one on this list is to lose some weight. After doing a quick calculation, I would like to be down 17% of my current body weight. And I think that is just the beginning of the journey. Ideally I would like to lose a total of 23% my current body weight. But start small, right? So my first goal is to lose 15 lbs, to be back to where I was before my BFP.
But how to achieve this goal? I am not one for diets, but I also don't eat too terribly either. I am big on fruits and protein, but also have a weakness for carbs. I have never been a sweets person, so this is not a problem. I know all the basics of a healthy diet. Just time to examine them more closely and relate them to myself. Luckily, Dennis is willing to work with me and endure 'chicken and broccoli' every night. God, I love him.
On to the exercising. Last night I walked a mile on the treadmill. It's too creepy to walk in my neighborhood...weird neighbors. We have a local park with a great walking path, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I took my book with me and told myself I am going to walk a mile and I did it. It really didn't take that long, either. I was surprised as I was expecting to get farther into my book than I actually did. Tonight Dennis and I are going to do a Gilad DVD that we have. I love these exercises, too. The video's are either 20 minutes or 40 minutes and believe me, they work. You 'feel the burn' by the next morning. I lost some weight using these a year ago, but alas, fell off the wagon.
I really don't want to not try to get pregnant while I am (hopefully) going through my transformation. We really want to bring our baby home as soon as we can. But I may sort of lay low for a few months. Maybe keep temping, but not use OPK's...I really don't know. I have a few weeks to make up my mind...

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